Paper Presentation & Seminar Topics: Ingenious Governance Of Battle Tanks

Ingenious Governance Of Battle Tanks

Abstract:Our objective primarily was to automate the vehicles so that they relieve us of our headache in sneaking our way through heavy traffic. As a primary step we have tried to implement this automation in a battle tank where driving the vehicle is relatively simple. Besides the battle tank does not have a steering. All that the battle tank uses for its driving are the two tracking sticks.
In this project we the GPS receiver 9312B for navigational management features to guide the tank through the path that it is supposed to tread. The output of the receiver is fed to the microcontroller which is programmed in such a way so as to compare whether the range is zero. When the range is zero it deciphers the turn it has to undertake. The required turn is accomplished with the microcontroller generating the appropriate byte to control the stepper motor. The microcontroller decides the left or right turn using a special KRASS algorithm. This versatile algorithm exploits the NMEA details of the GPS receiver and makes those details compatible with the microcontroller unit. The microcontroller promptly commands the stepper motor to rotate in the desired direction. The direction the battle tank twirls is also displayed in a LCD for the commander’s convenience. This paper when implemented could assuage the miseries in driving a tank.