Paper Presentation & Seminar Topics: Problem Oriented Software Engineering: Solving the Package Router Control Problem

Problem Oriented Software Engineering: Solving the Package Router Control Problem


Problem orientation is gaining interest as a way of approaching the development of software intensive systems, and yet, a significant example that explores its use is missing from the literature. In this paper, we present the basic elements of Problem Oriented Software Engineering (POSE), which aims at bringing both non formal and formal aspects of software development together in a single framework. We provide an example of a detailed and systematic POSE development of a software problem: that of designing the controller for a package router. The problem is drawn from the literature, but the analysis presented here is new. The aim of the example is twofold: to illustrate the main aspects of POSE and how it supports software engineering design and to demonstrate how a nontrivial problem can be dealt with by the approach

Existing System:-

• There are two fundamental difficulties involved in dealing with non formal domains (also known as the real world):

1. The properties that they enjoy are not necessarily expressible in any single linguistic system.

2. The notion of mathematical (logical) proof does not apply to them.” These difficulties, which are well known in the established branches of engineering, have sometimes led to a harmful dichotomy in approaches to software development Some approaches address only the formal concern

Proposed System:-

• Problem Oriented Software Engineering (POSE) aims at bringing both non formal and formal aspects of software development together in a single framework. POSE is intended to provide a structure within which the results of different development activities can be combined and reconciled.

Hardware Interface:-
• Hard disk : 40 GB
• RAM : 512 MB
• Processor Speed : 2.20GHz
• Processor : Pentium IV Processor

Software Interface:-
• JDK 1.5
• Swing Builder