Paper Presentation & Seminar Topics: xMax


Abstract : Seminar Xmax developed by XG Technology, Inc. is a cognitive radio-based mobile VoIP and data system that operates in 900 MHz unlicensed ISM band (928MHz-902). Xmax is built on a protocol from end to end Internet Protocol (IP) system infrastructure, which includes a number of base stations, mobile switching centers (MSC), telephones and modems. VoIP Industry Expert Rich Tehrani test leads Xmax mobile VoIP pilot operated by the company in Fort Lauderdale, FL. His last article, published on TMCnet at (referenced below) concluded: "Xmax worked well and is real. When you know that this company may have found a way to take a frequency struggling with the garbage and wireless transform it into a wireless operating voice and data network as you begin to see how a game could be the change that the wireless industry